1) Article One – Name of the Foundation
Flight Operations Officers’ Association of Sri Lanka.(FOOASL).
(Hereafter referred as “FOOASL”)
2) Article Two- Registered & correspondence Address of the
I. Registered Address
– Flight Operations Department, SriLankan
Airlines Limited, Bandaranayke International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka.
II. Correspondence Address
-Secretary, Flight Operations Officer’s Association of Sri Lanka, Flight Operations Department, Sri Lankan Airlines Limited, Bandaranayke International Airport, Katunayake, Sri Lanka.
3) Article Three- Common Seal, Address Seal & Letter Head
i.Common Seal– Consist the names of the authorized signatories, the Common seal shall affix in the presence of the President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer of the batch.
ii.Address Seal– Consist the name of the registered address.
iii.Letter Head- Consist the name and address.
The letter Head can be authorized by the President, Secretary, and/or Treasurer only. In the absence of all or any committee member can authorize on their behalf.
4) Article Four – Purpose and Mission Statement
Flight Operations Officer’s Association of Sri Lanka is a voluntary based association of licensed flight operations officers in Sri Lanka.
Our mission is to help and assist in the development of the members, then families and the airlines. In addition, the development of brotherhood among the members.
- To provide assistance for the welfare of the members, their families.
- To actively contribute towards the academic, social & recreational development of the members.
- To achieve involved and developing the airline/working place.
5) Article Five – Membership
i.Any person who possess the flight operation officer license issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka (CAASL).
ii.A member shall pay an annual subscription of Sri Lankan rupees One thousand Five hundred (SLR 1500/=) to maintain the membership.
iii.The annual subscription fee can be changed at the AGM by 2/3 majority of the participants.
iv.The annual membership for the following year has to be renewed on or before the AGM for the current year.
Duties of members
- Members shall attend meetings regularly
- Members shall not violate the constitution.
- Members shall pay annual subscription to the FOOASL.
(A non-payment of the subscription may cause disqualification of the membership)
A disqualified member can get the membership again by paying the annual subscription + 50% of the annual subscription as a penalty.
6) Article Six – Patrons
The Group shall have Patrons. Patron shall be Manager Operations Control (MOC) & Manager Operations Control Support (MOS).
7) Article Seven-Office Bearers
The office bearers must be elected at the Annual General Meeting and would consist of the following categories and positions respectively.
Executive Committee:
i. President
ii. Vice President.
iii. Secretary
iv. Assistant Secretary.
v. Treasurer.
vi. Assistant Treasurer.
vii. Committee members (Maximum 10- Representing different grades)
viii. The above office bearers shall hold the office for period of maximum two years and could be re-elected for a maximum of an additional one year for the same position.
ix. Maximum period that a member can continuously hold any position in the executive committee, is three years.
x. If a member continuously holds a position in the executive committee for three years that particular member can be reelected for executive committee after a year break.
xi. If two members or more are nominated for the same position, a recognized voting method will be applied.
xii. A member who was in the last year in the executive committee and not contesting for the current year committee, will be the monitoring officer for the opening ballot.
xiii. A vacancy occurring during the term of an elected office bearer of the executive committee, shall be filled by the executive committee.
xiv. A vacancy occurring during the term of and elected committee member shall be filled by any member.
xv. Candidates for all positions to be filled, must hold a current flight Operations Officer license issued by Civil Aviation Authority of Sri Lanka(CAASL) and have paid their membership fee.
xvi. Any officer may resign at any time by giving a written notice to the Secretary of the FOOASL. If Secretary wants to resign, can give a written notice to the President.
xvii. If a member who has outstanding balances to be paid to the committee will not be eligible to elect as an executive committee member.
8) Article Eight- Meetings
i. Secretary/Assistant Secretary have the sole responsibility for summoning of all meetings.
ii. The meetings shall be held once in six months as a standard. Minimum number of participants should be fifteen (15) (05 from the executive committee/One of the Secretaries-Secretary or Assistant Secretary, participation is a must.)
iii. Immediate past president can participate executive and committee meetings.
iv. Decision making Majority in an emergency including the use of funds – Majority of any 03 votes out of the executive committee in total. (The voting can be done via recognized written communication methods)
v. Treasurer is responsible for the submission of monthly accounts at meetings.
vi. Except for the standard meeting, the regular meetings shall happen as and when required.
vii. The Annual General Meeting will be held annually, Office bearers will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
viii. Minimum participation at Annual General Meeting – 15 members.
ix. Special General Meeting (SGM) – Upon the majority of the executive committee and the SGM shall be held. Minimum number of participants should be 15 (Participation of Secretary or Assistant Secretary is a must)
x. Secretaries are responsible for the summoning of meetings upon the majority votes of the committee.
9) Article Nine- Funds
i.Annual membership subscriptions
ii.Donations from members and well-wishers.
iii.By way of fund-raising project organize by the Flight Operations Officer’s Association of SriLanka.
10) Article Ten- Bankers
Banker will be selected by the 2/3 majority of the AGM. If the committee wants to change the bank that can only be done at the AGM/SGM.
11) Article Eleven- Special benefits to the members
Twenty-five thousand rupees (Rs 25000/=) to be granted for
i. Marriage
ii. Funeral –
- Death of a member
- Death of Spouse or Children of a married members
- Unmarried members- Parents
iii. Serious illness of a member (As per SriLankan airline medical scheme stated critical illnesses)
iv. Above mentioned to be released immediately on the approval of executive committee from the FOOASL funds and will be recovered by collecting Rs1000/= from each member.
v. To be eligible for above stated benefits, member should hold membership of FOOASL minimum six months period.
12) Article Twelve- Duties of the Secretaries
i. The secretaries of the association shall carry out duties subject to the direction of the committee.
ii. In addition to the duties, assigned elsewhere in the constitution, they are responsible for the maintenance of separate, minutes of the proceedings of meetings of the association and of the Annual or
Special General Meeting respectively.
iii. The secretaries are bound to provide documentation of all kinds for the reference of any member of the Executive Committee.
13) Article Thirteen- Finance and the duties of the Treasurer
i. The Financial year of the association shall be from 01st of July to 30th of June next year.
ii. The Treasurer shall maintain accurate & timely accounts of the finances of the FOOASL.
iii. All payments shall be approved by the committee and drawn by Treasurer or Assistant Treasurer. In case of emergency, executive committee can approve the payments by majority of them and responsible for the funds that they have agreed to pay.
iv. The Treasure shall submit followings to the committee:
- A full set of accounts of the Group along with all necessary supporting documents.
- An Audited Statement of Accounts of the Group for the financial year last ended, so that it may be presented at the AGM.
14) Article Fourteen- Conflict of Interest
Without the written permission of the executive committee, the earnings of the association or funds may neither inure directly or indirectly to the benefit of any member, any family member of a member or any person having a personal or private interest in the activities of the association, nor to benefit of any other person in circumstances where is a confliction interest.
15) Article Fifteen- Auditors
Auditors will be appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
16) Article Sixteen- Amendments to the Constitution
i. The constitution and by laws may be amended by the majority votes of the members of at the Annual General Meeting.
ii. Once approved/accepted by the committee, the proposed amendments should be submitted to the consent of the AGM. The amendments shall be made effective upon the majority votes obtained at the respective meeting. Resolution must be obtained to the Secretaries.
iii. The secretaries are responsible for the timely updating of the constitution.
17) Article Seventeen- Call for the AGM & SGM
Fourteen days prior in writing or it has to be via recognized network (SMS/Telephone message/E-mail/WhatsApp or Social media network)
The official email address to be used by the secretaries. (Password is only to be shared among Secretaries)